"The quickest way to still the mind is to move the body." - Gabrielle Roth
My healing sabbatical continues. Following the wisdom of my body I have new hope for recovery, but it will be a gentle re-entry for me and I'll keep you posted. In the mean time may your feet guide you to exactly where you need to be, your heart open to the magic around you and may you trust the journey - it is a dance.
Many Blessing,
The 5Rhythms®
The 5Rhythms® is a simple and profound moving meditation practice created by Gabrielle Roth. Using the rhythms of Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness, we open to the energies of life moving through us and begin the journey back to the powerful, passionate, intuitive, instinctual being that we are. The dance floor becomes our practice space, sacred space, where using the 5Rhythms as our map, we begin the exploration. A million stories held in our hips, hands and feet find expression and release. What we've held on to, reached out for, stepped into, retreated from, become the fertile ground from which we move into our most authentic selves.
In this practice there are no steps to learn, no choreography to remember, no right and wrong way to dance. You do not need to have achieved some fitness level or have the ability to turn circles in the air. All that is needed is a beating heart, a body that can get you to class and a bit of curiosity.
In this practice there are no steps to learn, no choreography to remember, no right and wrong way to dance. You do not need to have achieved some fitness level or have the ability to turn circles in the air. All that is needed is a beating heart, a body that can get you to class and a bit of curiosity.
Andi Adamczyk

I fell in love with the 5Rhythms about 20 years ago. It’s the kind of practice that gets under your skin and into the very cells of your being. It wakes you up, shakes you up and empties you out. I was hooked just watching one of Gabrielle’s videos and one workshop with her sealed the deal. This, the 5Rhythms, was what I’d been looking for my whole life. A place to be seduced by my own soul, fascinated by my own feet and awakened by the beautiful open-hearted, wild-dancing, passionately-alive beings around me. On the dance floor, the reigns were off, expectations dissolved, the ideas of technique, turn-out, training; dance this way, dance that way; do this, do that; be this, become that, dripped off me into puddles of sweat on the floor - all that was left was freedom.
...come dance.
...come dance.